Sunday, May 6, 2012

Well I'm done.

I finished my last and final semester of college. I can't believe I'm saying that really.
I've been through so much to get to the point I am where I am, I'm surprised at how well things have turned out.

I'm tempted to wait on applying for jobs because this past semester was a hard one on many levels. I'm really ready to just kick back and enjoy the summer months on cape cod not having to worry about school at all and just let my mind relax for once.

I do have a few options though that I'd like to pursue:

- I've been eyeing the Program in Media Arts and Sciences (MAS) degree from the MIT Media Arts and Sciences lab.

- Heading off to Taos, New Mexico and get a degree in Earthship Biotecture and getting involved with that community. Completely building sustainable housing from recyclable materials.

- Or going into the blossoming field of semiotics: Semiotics is the general study of sign processes, or semiosis. Semiosis makes the world meaningful. The University of Tartu in Estonia is the one of the world's centers for Semiotics.

I've also been contemplating on how to continue my research. I'm a bit of at a stand-still with it. I guess I just need to plow forward and see where it will take me. Maybe see if there are universities out there that study the esoteric, or something. We'll see what happens yet... I'm kind stumbling in the dark with it though.. I know where I'm going but I don't know what I'm looking for... Truth, sure... but as the quote on my website says, truth is contextual and changeable and dependent on point of view.  It depends on everything, where the successes come from and how I will get there. Also the main goal... well, I'll will reveal that sometime down the line especially when I start working on it.

I suppose for now I'm going to focus on trying to get hired somewhere and start building my studio. Definitely need a place to call mine :-)

We'll see. but ... time to enjoy my last week here at Moravian and in Bethlehem, Pa and enjoy the festivities.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Kristi :) Yes, enjoy your break. All those choices sound great.
