Friday, April 15, 2011

IChing and the Genetic Code

Wander alone; bearing the light and thy staff. And be the light so bright that no man seeth thee. Be not moved by aught without or within: Keep silence in all ways. Illumination from within, secret impulse from within; practical plans derived accordingly. Retirement from participation in current events. (BT p. 257)

Incredible correlations have been found between the earliest chinese text, IChing, the Book of Changes and DNA. The 64 symbols of the I Ching (called hexagrams* or kua) correspond to the 64 codons of the genetic code. Its Hebrew counterpart is the Qabbalistic text, Sefer Yetzirah, or Book of Creation. It provides the source for the other half of the occult (hidden) genetic code; the 20 amino acids and 2 stop codon groups.

*Hexagrams or Hexagons in Qabbalah..

Observe closely, the nucleus forms a hexagon in this 2 dimensional demonstration. The hexagon is the form of 2 overlapping triangles, which have been created by the electrons orbiting the proton and neutron. This hexagon is the HEX placed on humanity through the adoration of the mother / woman. This has been implanted through the thought process of this unseen group of thinkers.

Sefer Yetzirah is the earliest known work of Hebrew magical thought included in the subject known as Kabbalah or Qabala. It's title translates into English as "Book of Creation." It was written between the third and sixth centuries. It is extremely brief, less than 2000 words, and is written in a terse and enigmatic style which has defied all attempts to completely clarify its meaning.

In short, the text tells how The Creator used the numbers 1-10 and the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet to create Universe and all the living things in it. The Hebrew letters are molded like bits of clay, placed opposite each other and otherwise manipulated to create, in a magical way, all that exists.

"... Sefer Yetzirah interprets the 'speech' of God in a very clear way. God did not talk to Himself, like an absolute monarch who wills and it is done. Rather, He generated substance, from which He formed letters, out of which he combined 'words', which became things. God's 'speech' was not sound but a modeling of units of clay." (UJM p. 46)

"... the reader is told 'test' and 'explore' (and in some manuscripts also 'know, calculate, and form') - i.e., to try to combine letters and numbers and to 'create' as God did. Such activity was, in fact, known in the Judaism of late antiquity. By it, some rabbis were reported to be able to create small animals and homunculi (animated clay men, who cannot, however, speak)." (UJM p. 16)

The 'clay' description of creation reminds me of the Creation Myth of the Dogon which uses the analogy of throwing clay on a pottery wheel to the spin and formation of planets.

In addition to the numerical and functional analogies between the amino acids and the Hebrew alphabet there is a category coincidence as well. The letters of the Hebrew language in the Sefer Yetzirah are arranged into 3 categories.

The Hebrews held their alphabet [which they call the autiot, or "signs"] in especial reverence. They have alluded to it as the Heavenly Alphabet, the Celestial Writing, the Writing of the Angels, the Bridge Twixt Heaven and Earth, the Passing of the River and Over the Waters, just to name a few. Letters of the Hebrew alphabet formerly named all constellations in the Zodiacal Path and the seven planets.

3 "Mother" letters: Aleph, Mem, Shin
7 "Double" letters: Beth, Gimel, Daleth, Kaph, Pe, Resh, Tau
12 "Simple" letters: He, Vau, Zain, Cheth, Teth, Yod, Lamed, Nun,
Samekh, Ayin, Tzaddi, Qoph

The amino acids and punctuation codons have many chemical properties by which they can be categorized, but the simplest property describes how they behave within their watery environment of the cell. The amino acids can be described as either hydrophobic (water hating) or hydrophilic (water loving).

12 Amino Acids are Hydrophilic: Serine, Threonine, Tyrosine, Histidine,
Glutamine, Cysteine, Asparagine, Arginine, Aspartate, Glutamate,
Lysine, Glycine
8 Amino Acids are Hydrophobic: Valine, Isoleucine, Proline, Leucine
Phenylalanine, Tryptophan, Alanine, Methionine

Since Methionine also serves to mark the starting point for translation on the mRNA strand, I put it in the "Punctuation" category along with the 2 stop codon groups. Therefore the 64 codons of the genetic code, those that code for amino acids and those that serve as "Punctuation" (start & stop), can be put into the same number of categories with the same number of items in each, as the letters of the Hebrew alphabet.

3 Punctuation groups (2 stop groups, 1 start group [Methionine])
7 Hydrophobic Amino Acids
12 Hydrophilic Amino Acids

Derived from the Qabalistic practice of gematria, the practice of assigning number values to Hebrew words based on the numerical values of the Hebrew letters. Note that there are 46 chromosomes in the normal human. Each of the parents contribute, via their sperm and ovum, 23 chromosomes to the new being they create together.

Note also that each of the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching has 6 lines and so there is a total of 384 lines in all.

(life 23) + (thread 23) = 46
(father 4) + (mother 42) = 46
(Adam 45) + (Eve 19) = 64
(sperm 277) + (ovum 107) = 384
(male 227) + (female 157) = 384

The colors of this Mandala reminds me of the evidence found of the Holographic reality in Tibetan art. Hmm...

The DNA molecule is often referred to as "the thread of life" in the literature of science. That this thread of life is segmented, in the human species, into 23 chromosomes each for the egg and sperm at their union is highly evocative. Upon union, the separate strands of DNA merge to create a new thread which will thereafter be the blueprint for an entirely distinct and novel individual. It is this thread which then propagates itself into every cell of the growing body by a process of replication. Replication entails the splitting or separating of the double helix of the DNA molecule and the duplication of the half strands resulting in the creation of two identical DNA threads. Each thread then inhabits a separate cell and the process of DNA replication and cell division continues.

"This Torah [Tarot], the linguistic movement of Ein-Sof within itself, is called a malbush ("garment"), though in fact it is inseparable from the divine substance and is woven within it ... (the garments) length is made up of the alphabets of the Sefer Yetzirah and had 231 "gates" ... which form the archistructure of divine thought. Its breadth was composed of an elaboration of the Tetragrammaton according to the numerical value of the four possible spellings of the fully written names of its letters, ... , which were the "threads" and the "weave" that were originally situated in the hem of the garment. ... The size of this garment was twice the area necessary for the creation of all the worlds. After it had been woven, it was folded in two: half of it ascended and its letters stood behind the letters of the other half." (Kabbalah p.132)

Fu Hsi is the legendary creator of the I Ching. His sister/consort is Nu Kua. She is also portrayed as the creator of mankind:

"It is popularly said that when Heaven and Earth had opened forth, but before there were human beings, Nu-Kua created men by patting yellow earth together. But the work tasked her strength and left her no free time, so that she then dragged a string through mud, thus heaping it up so as to make it into men. Therefore the rich and the noble are those men of yellow earth whereas the poor and the lowly - all ordinary people - are those cord-made men." (p. 338)

In conclusion, the study of the ICHING and its correlation to the Genetic Code, may in fact be crucial to studying the organic matrix of reality. The matrix reality that the Shipibo indians saw.


Here is a fabulous reference to all the Divinatory tools and their correlations to DNA.

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